Why I RAWR Evernote.


I love technology. It’s only great when it works, but when it works, whew, that is some hot stuff. Computers can read your mind, see what you see and are learning to think like you think. Without delving into the depths of ethics and technology, I live the benefits of technology every day.

I took the Kolbe A test online and learned more about my modus operandi. It reaffirmed that I am a fact finder. I love information and always have. I grew up reading books to the point of obnoxious. I thank my Dad every day for getting a PC with Windows as early as he did. I watched Beyond 2000 (when it was before 2000) with awe.  I surf on the edge of technology and all that it can do for me. There are a lot of technologies and tools out there that I haven’t touched. So many that it starts a panic attack thinking about what I know I don’t know. (Sorry Twitter. Somehow 140 characters is too much or not enough.) Enough digressing. As I am learning to live in my strengths and not punish myself for perceived weaknesses, one tool I’ve come across that I wouldn’t want to live without is Evernote.

No, I didn’t write this post in Evernote but I love it none-the-less. I wasn’t the first to Evernote either. A client and friend, a fellow fact-finder, kept telling me about Evernote. She was using it and loved it. “You HAVE to try it.” “Ok. Ok.” I still didn’t. And again a few more times. Looking back, there is no day I recall deciding to try it. Once it was set up, there was no looking back.

So what is Evernote you might be asking. It is a digital notebook organizing system that syncs to all of your desired devices. It is cloud storage. It is Dropbox for your best nuggets. (Dropbox, ah, Dropbox- that’s a whole ‘nother post.) Basically Evernote is a place you can capture and store images, webpages, text or content, links and so much more. Evernote even works with keeping you organized for tax time with Shoeboxed. For the PC users, it works a bit like outlook, but instead of emails, you have notes. You can add links to other pages, tags and other information you want to keep for reference and store these various tidbits in notebooks.

Notebooks are a fabulous tool for organization as you can create some order out of a chaos of thousands of notes. I have notebooks for work projects, businesses (existing and planned!) and of course for my personal life, such as gift lists, recipes, inspirations and general categories like Technology!

The best part about Evernote is that once you enter the information into the software, it will sync your information with the Evernote website as well as every device with Evernote installed. How that looks in real life is like this: “Ooh, this recipe looks great!” while surfing the web late one night. I copy the picture, ingredients and directions into Evernote. I assign a title, copy over the URL to the webpage where I found the recipe and add some tags to make searching easier. Later when I’m at the store and need the ingredients list, there it is, nicely in my Recipes notebook.

So what does this mean for you? If you find yourself stumbling across a cool website or product or recipe that you just don’t want to forget, with Evernote you won’t have to! Happy Fact Finding!

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